Evan Healy Skin Care Rituals

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Evan Healy Skin

Did you know there is a difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin? Most people use these terms interchangeably, despite there being a big difference between dryness and dehydration.  Dry skin is lipid deficient, while dehydrated skin is water deficient.  This is one of the core reasons why oil serums and hydrosols are so foundational for all skin. Not only do they support the skin’s natural barrier function, but they provide the necessary lipids and hydration the skin needs.

Because of the general lack of consideration of skin hydration, along with a skin care industry with little regard for the skin’s innate barrier function — dehydration is a rampant issue across all skin types, states and conditions. It is the most common skin imbalance in the modern age, and in many cases, people misidentify their skin as dry, when really the issue is dehydration.

If you have dehydrated skin, packing on lipids via moisturizers, lotions, or even oils by themselves, will not solve the issue. In order to remedy dehydration you need to hydrate the skin, which can only be done with water, plant waters, or water-based preparations, like HydroSouls.

  • This is how we address both dryness and dehydration, topically.

    1. Create authentic moisture/hydration levels by supporting the hydrolipid barrier with daily application of Oil Serum and HydroSoul.
    2. Seal in that moisture/hydration with a protective layer containing ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, cocoa butter, etc.,
    3. Avoid harsh treatments that disrupt barrier function, like acids, enzymes, exfoliants, retinol, harsh cleansers, chlorinated water, etc.

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